

Here you can find the results lists of the competitions

All competitions, all results

Dates - Dates - Dates 
01/27 - 02/12/2023 - "Start of the season"
03/17 - 04/02/2023 - "Springtime Cup"
05/05 - 05/21/2023 - “Spring condition test”
06/16 - 07/02/2023 - "Summer Cup" 
08/04 - 08/20/2023 - "International german remote championship"
09/22 - 10/08/2023 - "100 shot performance test" 
10/27 - 11/12/2023 - "November Cup"
12/15 - 12/30/2023 – “Christmas Tournament”

The result lists for the competitions are in the German-speaking area.

Please follow the link.

Result list
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